Study Notes of TOEFL Speaking Part -- Task 1 Outline of Real Test Questions

  • Should people be allowed to take photos when visiting a museum?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Being polite is more important than being truthful.
  • etc




What your opinion? and Why? and Why? and So what? and So what?

愚蠢 对我危险 因为我不配 做了可能受伤 受伤可能失去工作

勇敢 对专业的人ok 他们把自己逼到了极限 将不可能变为可能

  • While, honesty, if someone tries rock climbing, it could be a sign of bravery or it could be a sign of stupidity.
  • While, for example, if I try rock climbing, it will be very stupid, because I am not professional athlete, so I’m not fit enough, so doing this rock climbing, I may fall and get hurt. While I just don’t think it is worth trying.
  • And besides, if some professional athlete tries rock climbing, it could be a sign of bravery. While this is because they are pushing their bodies to the limit, and they are trying to make impossible possible. So, I think it’s quite inspiring.
  • So, because of these reasons, rock climbing could be both sign of bravery and a sign of stupidity.


  • While, I think it is better to receive positive news.
  • This is because, my life is already depressing enough, you know, I work a lot, and I am under a lot of tress. So, receiving such positive news can easily cheer me up. It can make me believe that life is actually wonderful.
  • While however, I think sometimes, we do need to hear about the negative news.
  • Because, when hearing the negative news, it can stir up some dissatisfactions about the reality, which can push me to do some changes about my life. Base on this satisfaction, I can make some improvements.

你喜欢 experienced teachers 还是 new teachers?

  • While, I prefer to be taught by an experienced teacher.
  • This is because, experienced teacher can teach better. Since they have been teacher so many years. So, he must know what the key points are. During the classes, he can better focus on the key points and provide a lot of example. So, students can better understand it.
  • And besides, experienced teachers are better because they can better communicate with students, they can even become friends with students. So, I am sure students will love their classes and enjoy the school life.
  • Therefore, experienced teacher are better.

在工作中,Luck 和 Hard working 是否同等重要?

  • While, honestly, I don’t think luck is as important as hard work for a person’s success. This is because, hard work is actually more important.
  • You know, in one’s career, if he or she is hard working, this person can totally improve himself or herself. For example, in the business industry, if he works really hard, he can improve his problem solving skill. He can also learn how to communicate with clients effectively. And this can help a person to be more successful.
  • Besides, if one is hard working, he or she can leave a great impression to the boss. So, in this case, he or she would likely to be promoted to a higher position.
  • While, however, it might be true that luck can dramatically changes one’s life, but it is not wise to bet on luck.
  • So, because of these reasons, I think hard work is more important.

TASK 1 - 12.01

【01】Should people be allowed to take photos when visiting a museum?

  • While, to be honest, I think people should be allowed to take photos when visiting a museum.
  • First of all, photos we took at the museum can help us to recall the vivid memory and momentous time.
  • Like me, I love Vincent van Gogh so much that I took a photo with the painting Starry Night over the Rhone in the Orsay museum and many years later, I can still remember the time I spent in that museum, standing in front of this painting, marveling at his painting skills and being immersed in his fantasy world he drew on the canvas.
  • Besides, if we do not use flash light when shooting the photos, we would not harm the exhibits at all and also we would not disturb other visitors at all.
  • So, because of these reasons, I think we, visitors, should be allowed to take photos when visiting a museum.

【02】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Being polite is more important than being truthful.

  • While, to be honest, I don’t agree that being polite is more important than being truthful.
  • This is because, being polite is a communication skill, but being truthful is an essential characteristic or a merit everyone should possesses. And to some extent, being truthful is a crucial part of an high-quality communication or conversation. This is because, being truthful can help both sides of a conversation to create a congenial climate that is conducive to reach a consensus.
  • Besides, being truthful can help one to earn (assist in earning) others’ respect. When you treat others in good faith, they will also be truthful to you and also respect you which have a beneficial effect on your social activities.
  • So, because of these reasons, I turn to disagree that being polite should be give priority.

【03】Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?

  • While, I prefer to work in a small company or organization with a few workers.
  • This is because, for an employee, working in a small company will have more chances to be promoted. It’s not hard to understand, in a small company, an ordinary employee is easier to reach a high level or a higher position in the company, compared with working in a large company. The reason is obvious, the fewer rivals or opponents you have, the higher likelihood you will have to be promoted.
  • Besides, Working in a small company is beneficial for one to better make contribution to the company. The reason is apparent too, in a small company, one is easier to communicate to the executive level and express one’s own idea without any obstacle. On the contrary, it is extremely difficult to meet them by chances, not to mention making your point in front of them.
  • Therefore, I prefer to work in a small company, rather than large company with a lot of employees.

【04】Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country’s success: many business opportunities or a developed educational system?

  • While, honestly, I think a developed educational system contributes most to country’s success.
  • This is because, a developed educational system ensures talents and gifted person can be well trained before they step into the society. It is those person that well educated by a developed educational system contribute most to country’s success.
  • Besides, compared with many business opportunities, a developed educational system can better promote the development of a country in a long term. Because a developed educational system can bring innovation and encourage entrepreneurship unceasingly and persistently. And innovation and entrepreneurship matter to country’s success.
  • Therefore, I think a developed educational system contributes most to country’s success.

【05】Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books >Which way do you prefer? Why?

  • While, to be honest, I definitely will choose to read books rather than read in electronic format.
  • This is because, reading in paper material is conducive for me to better dive in to the book, in other words, to be immersed in the contents. It is not hard to understand, if someone read on the cell phone, he or she would stand a fair chance to be interrupted because others will call in, or a massage is received. So, there are many other thing that will prevent us to enjoy the books.
  • Besides, anther reason that let me choose the paper books is that electronic devices is detrimental to our physically health. Many youngsters suffer from myopic just because they spend a lot of time in their electronic devices, such as their mobile phones or computers.
  • Therefore, this is why I love to read books in material, because I don’t need to worry about being disrupted by others as long as I mute my cell phone and put it far away from me.

【06】You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housing complex>Do you think this is a good idea?

  • While, I do not think it is a great idea to use this green space to build a housing complex.
  • This is because, the city park is the only green space in the city, we should keep it green, rather to transform it into a housing complex. Since that is the case, many dwellers rely on it to relax and hang out with friends.
  • As for me, I once lived in a crowd community, and the center garden is the only green place that I used to hang out with others, and a great amount of my precious memories happened in there. If the only green space was devastated by government, I would have no idea to place my childhood.
  • Therefore, that’s why I don’t think it is a great idea to replace the green space with housing complex.

【07】Do you agree or disagree that to succeed we need to make enemies?

  • While, I can not agree that to succeed we need to make enemies.
  • Admittedly, it is true that we will encounter tons of enemies in order to succeed, but it does not mean that we need to make enemies, especially we are already have a lot of enemies.
  • And besides, the best strategy to succeed is to make friends of an enemy. In other words, instead of making more enemies, the best way for us to be successful is to make friends with person that used to be our enemies. If that is the case, we will have more helping hands and fewer obstacles in our way to success. Which means if you can convert an powerful enemy into friends, that will make you ever stronger and even more closer to the success.
  • Let’s look at the Los Angeles Lakers in NBA. Kobe Bryant & Shaquille O’Neal , they are two best players in the whole association. And there is no need for them to be enemy if they want the championship. And when O’Neal left the Lakers, It’s much harder for Kobe to win the championship.
  • Therefore, I do not agree that we need to make enemies.

【08】If there’s something you want to buy, do you prefer saving money yourself to buy it or ask someone to borrow some money to buy it?

  • While, I would like to save money myself to buy something that I awfully want.
  • This is because, the process of saving money for a long time will make one thing even more precious. Saving money is an arduous process and this exhausting experience will help you to remember how precious it was and I will make this thing worth it at all costs.
  • By the way, borrowing money to buy something doesn’t means that we don’t need to pay for it. On the contrary, if we borrow money from the bank, we even need to pay more to buy it eventually, because of the interest and risk of deflation. And we still need to save money to pay my due in the end.
  • Therefore, I would prefer saving money to buy one thing that I desire.

【09】Do you agree or disagree that government should ban violence and dirty words in TV programs?

  • While, I totally agree that government should ban violence and dirty words in TV programs.
  • This is because, children and youngsters are ingenuous and vulnerable, and those violence and dirty words will immensely have a bad influence on their minds.
  • And also, youngsters are not mature enough to distinguish between good and bad. So, they would stand a fair chance to imitate and learn those violence and dirty words in TV program. And that is also a detrimental effect to their bright future.
  • Therefore, I think violence and dirty words should be banned by the government.

【10】Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly. Which one do you prefer?

While, I prefer to make a phone call directly.

This is because, phone calls is more directly and efficient than sending messages. If you want to communicate with or get informations from someone, you could just call them and you will get the answer and whatever you what as soon as possible.

And besides, making phone call can reduce the loss of information and misunderstanding. Because, other can quickly find your misunderstanding and misstatement and correct you during the dialogue in a phone call.

Therefore, I prefer to choose the phone call.

【11】Some people prefer to buy movies or books that they like; others prefer to rent. Which would you choose? Explain why.

  • While, to be honest, I prefer to buy movies or books instead of renting them.
  • This is because, if I buy a book, in other words, I own a book, I can start reading this book as any time I want. This thing matters to me because I like reading very much, so I sometimes will buy a lot of books. This practice and habits will lead to a fact that there are books that I started reading after I bought them for many years. On the contrary, if I rent a book, I have to start reading it immediately because of limited time span of borrowing.
  • Besides, some books and movies are collectible. This is another reason that I want to buy books and movies.
  • Therefore, I think it is better to buy books and movies rather than rent them.

【12】Some people prefer a job which deals with the same tasks every day. Others prefer a job which deals with many different tasks. Which do you prefer and why?

  • While, to be honest, I prefer a job which deals with many different tasks.
  • This is because, by dealing with different tasks, one can hone and perfect one’s skills persistently and unceasingly. And this matters to one’s own improvement. On the contrary, if one only asked to do one thing every day, there is no possibility for him or her to improve himself or herself in a well-rounded way.
  • Besides, If one has opportunities to deal with different tasks, he or she stands a fair chance to meet a large amount of people. They can make the most of this advantages to enlarge his or her social network and establish abundant firm relationship that will definitely useful for anyone.
  • Therefore, I think dealing with many different tasks make a job wonderful.

【13】Some people prefer to be a leader in a group project; while others prefer to be a supporting member in a group project. Which one do you prefer and why?

  • While, to be honest, I prefer to be a leader in a group project.
  • This is because, I have the capability of being a leader, because I used to be leaders in many group projects. So, I have a lot of experience to mobilize every members in the team to pitch in, making time schedule and coordinate works of each members. So, under my lead, the team stands a fair chance to succeed.
  • And besides, by being a leader, I can make more contributions to the project, than just being a member. This is because, a leader has more chances to express and convey his opinions and aspirations precisely and clearly to the whole team. If that is the case, my opinion are more likely to be the fundamental scheme of the whole team.
  • Therefore, this is why I prefer to be a leader.

【14】Your university is planning to allow people in the community to take courses with students. This course will be free for them and they will not receive feedback or grades about their papers. Do you think this is a good program and why?

  • I think this is really a excellent program.
  • You know, in my country, there are numerous people who are not allow to attend university to study even if they still want to study without getting a master degree, this project give them a chance to study in university, and they will be thankful.
  • And besides there is no need to give them feedback or grades, so teachers in university will not be required to add more work, in other words, there will be no more burden on them. They just need to go to the classroom with more people.

【15】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees shouldn’t send personal texts or emails during work hours.

  • While, I definitely agree that employees shouldn’t send personal texts or emails during work hours.
  • This is because, the work hour means the time that the company pays you to work for them. So, the time in the work hours should be spent on things that related to the work. Apparently, sending personal texts or emails do not belong to the things that related to the work.
  • And besides, sending personal texts or emails would definitely interrupt one’s work. If that is the case, the efficiency will decrease, the high-quality of the work can not be guaranteed.
  • Therefore, I totally agree that employees shouldn’t send any personal texts or emails during work hours.

【16】Some students enjoy decorating their surroundings; other choose to keep their surroundings simple and free of any decorations. Which do you prefer and why?

  • While, I would like to decorate surroundings rather than just keep it simple and free.
  • This is because, by decorating my surroundings, I would feel more sense of belonging. For example, I used to live in a dormitory in high school and I decorated my dormitory at the first day I had the key of the dorm. And every time I step into my dorm, it feels like going back home and I can better relax myself.
  • And besides, keeping things I like around me can mobilize myself and energize myself all the time. Every time I feel frustrated and discouraged, I would like to spend a lot of time staring at a painting which is a duplicate of Starry night of the Rhone, an extraordinary works by Vincent van Gogh. This painting will empower me to face the predicaments in life and pull me back on the rails.
  • Therefore, that’s why I think it is a great idea to decorate surroundings.

【17】Your school plans to set up a study hall for students to take a break and do projects. Do you think this is a good idea or not?

  • While, I think it is an excellent idea to set up a study hall for students to take a break and do projects.
  • This is because, I am a college students who is busy as a beaver. When I have a break time between classes, a study hall would really helpful for me to take a break. So, I don’t have to rush back to dormitory to have a rest.
  • And also, there wasn’t even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes if there is no study hall in the university. When we have to accomplish a team work, the study hall is the only place that suitable for us to talk and communicate with each other. You know, library is not a good place to communicate and arguing about the idea, because these conduct may disrupt others who are concentrate on their own works.
  • Therefore, setting up a study hall is appropriate and even necessary for my school.

【18】What kind of job will you choose? To find a job through which you can get a lot of money or to find a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  • While, I would like to choose a job which I can get great personal satisfaction.
  • This is because, by doing things that are satisfied with, I can work with full energy for a whole day, and that is the guarantee of the high productivity. For example, I like painting every much, especially the masterpieces painted by Vincent van Gogh, so I find a job in a museum which has a few painting of Vincent van Gogh. By being a stand-attendant of the exhibition, I would not feel any exhausted and discouraged.
  • On the contrary, if I find a job with high payment but boring tasks. I can not guarantee that I can bear this job for a long time, not to mention with high productivity.
  • Therefore, that’s why I would definitely find a job with great personal satisfaction.

【19】Do you think advertisements have a great impact on what we buy?

While, to be honest, I do think that advertisements have a great impact on what we buy.

This is because, advertisements will demonstrate the merits and advantages of a product precisely and clearly in a way which is easy to remember. That will help us to save a large amount of time searching the website for information.

For example, my last laptop was broken in an accent, so I urge to find a new and suitable laptop. When I saw the advertisement of surface which highlights the convenience and portability of the computer. I immediately realize that this kind of laptop that I want. I bought it without hesitation.

【20】Which do you think is more important for a person to be successful: taking risks or making safe decisions?

  • While, to be honest, I think making safe decisions is way more important for a person to be successful.
  • This is because, by making safe decisions with meticulous attention, one will always spot the potential and latent risks of huge loss and cut off the loss at the very beginning. By courtesy of these merit, one can always have positive profits in a long run.
  • And beside, it is entirely possible that one will loss all his money, if one always taking risks. This is because choices with huge risks are emotional and impulsive. The rational decision making should not take risks and make safe decision and prepare well for the plan B in case accidents happen.
  • Therefore, it is wise to make safe decisions so as to be successful.

TASK 1 - 10.10

【1】When students have questions about an assignment for class, some prefer to ask the professor for help. Others prefer to ask other students in the class for help understanding the assignment.

Which do you prefer? Explain why?

  • While, I prefer to go ask the professor directly.

  • This is because, assignments are designed and issued by the professor. So his opinion and interpretation is the most precise one and without any misinterpretation. So, it is a efficient approach to get to better understand the assignment.

  • And besides, students’ understanding also could have some misunderstanding even if they say that they are totally understand what the professor want to say. So, if you just reach an agreement with your classmates, doesn’t mean that you have the right understanding of the assignment.

  • Therefore, I prefer to ask professor straightforward.

【2】Should students be required to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester?

  • While, I prefer that students should not be required to evaluate their professors at the and of the semester.
  • This is because, at the end to the semester, every students will get a score from their professor according to their performance. But students sometimes will evaluate their professor just according to their own score but not according to their professor’s own performance. That is not fair to the professor.
  • And besides, students have the right not to evaluate any professor. So, the university should give students the chance to evaluate the professor and at the same time not to ask everyone to evaluate for obligation.
  • Therefore, I prefer no to required all students to evaluate the professors.

【3】Do you think it’s necessary for children’s growth for them to live far away from home and stay with relatives or friends during school breaks?

  • While, I would like to say it is not necessary for children to live far away from home during the school breaks.
  • This is because, their classmates are their friends and they already spend a lot of time together, you know, they spend 8 hour a day and 5 days a week. And even hang out with other friends at night.
  • And besides, students are really exhausted by the campus life, because of tons of works and projects and reports. So the school break is the best time for them to relax if they can stay at home all day long.
  • And another thing that matters is that, for some students, the school break is the only time that they can spend with their parents.
  • Therefore, I think it’s not necessary for children to live far away from home during school breaks.

【4】Which would you prefer: start a project as early as possible or wait until the deadline?

  • While, I would prefer to start a project as early as possible.
  • This is because, if we start a project as early as possible, and you will stand a fair chance to end this project as early as possible. Because the total time you need to complete the project is constant and not related to the time you start. And you could start the next project immediately, so, you will go to the track of positive circulation, promote the over all efficiency of working.
  • And besides, if you start a project early, then you have the chance to polish it to the perfect and increase the odds of the real life success.
  • Therefore, I stand for the law that always start a project as early as possible.

【5】Some students prefer to study for exam in the night while other students prefer to study in the day.

Which do you prefer, explain why.

  • While, I prefer to study for exam in the day.
  • This is because, You know, I am a morning guy, so, when I get up early, like 6 o’clock or 7 o’clock, I can just get to work immediately. And in the early morning, my mind is really sharp and I can better concentrate on my tasks. And productivity and inventiveness will spring up.
  • And beside, when I study in the night, I sometimes will pull an all-nighter, and it is definitely detrimental to our body and physical health.
  • Therefore, I prefer to study in the day rather than in the night.

【6】Some students prefer to do things which they are good at. Some students force themselves to do what they are not good at?

Which do you prefer? Why?

  • While, I would like to force myself to do what I am not good at.
  • This is because, doing something that I am not good at can help me to overcome the fear of unknown and get the gut to step out of the comfort zone. That is definitely crucial for one to abroad the horizon and expand the scope of knowledge.
  • And besides, doing something that you don’t good at can force you to ask others for help. And during this learning process, you can make a great number of friends which are proficient at diverse fields. And such a large interpersonal network is a valuable asset in life (will be a great treasure for the rest of your life).

【7】Do you agree or disagree that to succeed we need to make enemies?

  • While, I can not agree that to succeed we need to make enemies.
  • Admittedly, it is true that we will encounter tons of enemies in order to succeed, but it does not mean that we need to make enemies, especially we are already have a lot of enemies.
  • And besides, the best strategy to succeed is to make friends of an enemy. Which means if you can convert an powerful enemy into friends, that will make you ever stronger and even more closer to the success.
  • Let’s look at the Los Angeles Lakers in NBA. Kobe Bryant & Shaquille O’Neal , they are two best players in the whole association. And there is no need for them to be enemy if they want the championship. And when O’Neal left the Lakers, It’s much harder for Kobe to win the championship.
  • Therefore, I do not agree that we need to make enemies.

【8】Good teachers admit they make mistakes or don’t know something.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  • While I definitely agree that good teachers should admit they mistakes or don’t know something.
  • This is because, every human being will make mistakes, and teacher is no exception. But it is OK to make mistakes, as long as we apologize with sincere attitude, and promise we will never make that mistake again.
  • And besides, Admitting there is something that we don’t know is a excellent chance for teacher to tell students that knowledge is boundless and infinite and no body is too old to study.

【9】Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people should be fined for checking or looking at their cellphones when walking in streets and crossing roads?

  • While, I totally not agree that it’s fine for checking cellphone when crossing roads.
  • This is because, it is definitely a dangerous conduct, because once we dive into our cellphones, there is no chance to obverse the road and spot the dangerous situation and keep away from it. So, the right thing we should do when crossing roads is to slow our speed and check around meticulously.
  • And besides, if we do so, pedestrians who walking aside will stand a fair chance to emulate our wrong behavior, and it is also perilous for them not to looking at the road, and probably will cause traffic accident.

【10】Some people think that with the development of technology and Internet, libraries will disappear; while others think libraries are always necessary.

Which one do you agree? Please give specific details to support your opinion.

  • While, I believe libraries will not disappear, even if more and more people reading in cell phones.
  • This is because, there are still many people are willing to read in paper materials, because paper material has an advantage that could not be replaced by electronic format which is that reading in paper material are more likely to be in progress of deep reading which is immersed in the book.
  • And besides, libraries also provide all the citizens a quite place to read, if I want to concentrate on my work better at weekend, I could choose to go to city library.
  • Therefore, I think the libraries will no disappear in the future.

【11】Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social media websites.

Do you agree or disagree with such a plan?

  • While, I totally agree that library computer should be banned from accessing social media websites.
  • This is because, the main goal of library computer is to access some specific database that only library have the authority to access. For the sake of safety, the computer shouldn’t be able to connect both specific database and social media in the same time.
  • And besides, get away from social media can help students to concentrate on their tasks so that his efficiency will be improved dramatically.

【12】Your university is planning to allow people in the community to take courses with students. This course will be free for them and they will not receive feedback or grades about their papers.

Do you think this is a good program and why?

  • I think this is really a excellent program.
  • You know, in my country, there are numerous people are not allow to attend university to study even if they will want to study instead of getting a master degree, this project give them a chance to study in university, and they will be thankful.
  • And because there is no need to give them feedback or grades, so teachers in university will not be required to add more work. They just need to go to the classroom with more people.

【13】Students should take some additional courses so that they can get their credits more quickly.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  • While, I am not agree that students should take additional courses to get credits more quickly.
  • This is because, students are required to attend three or four courses every semester, and assignment of them are already choking high, so there is no time for them to take the additional courses.
  • And besides, provided that a student take additional courses so as to get more credits. He stands a fair chance never learn any subject well, because they have to squeeze their time from full schedule, and hardly be full of vigor.

【14】Some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own.

Which one do you think is better?

  • While, I definitely will wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving my own.
  • This is because listening is a excellent chance for everyone to learn from others. If we just talk and talk all the time, there is no chance for us to learn something new. But if we always listen to others’ opinions, we will end up learning numerous ideas that differs from ours’.
  • And besides, wait and listen before talk is a good way to show respect. And it is a decent conduct to communicate with others. And if you do so, you will stand a fair chance to build up a better relationship.

【15】Do you agree or disagree: children should learn to draw or paint?

  • While, I definitely agree that children should learn to draw or paint.
  • This is because, painting and drawing is an excellent way for kids to express themselves. You know, children sometimes can not present their feeling well using language due to the lack to vocabulary. So painting give them another way to better express and communicate.
  • And besides, learning to painting can foster them ability to concentrate on one thing in a relatively long time. And this ability will help them occupy a vantage point in fierce competition in the future.

【16】A company plans to interview you. You can go to their company for the interview, but the company is far from where you live. Or you can have a telephone interview.

Which do you prefer? Why?

  • While, I will definitely choose to have a telephone interview.
  • This is because, time is precious and should not be wasted. If I have to go to the company to have a face to face interview, I have to squander a large amount of time on the commute. That is not cost-effective.
  • And besides, I can still distinctly and clearly express my opinion in a telephone interview and try hard not to cause misinterpretations. So, nothing is lost and detrimental for my to take a telephone interview instead of a face to face interview.

【17】Business conferences should meet in person instead of using video calls.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  • While, I am not agree that business conferences should meet in person instead of using video calls.
  • This is because, using video calls is an excellent way for everyone to improve their efficiency. You know, we don’t have to squander our precious time in the travel to the company.
  • And besides, high technology furnish us with the ability to conduct the high quality video calls. So there is no chance for me not to use it. So I by no means will not to use it. So on no account will I not to use it.

【18】 Do you agree or disagree with this statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help?

  • While, I really do not agree that we only help our friend when they ask for help.
  • This is because, as a truly friends, we should help our friends when they need help, not when they only ask for help. Because, sometimes, they do need help and are willing to be help, but they are just shy or ashamed of being helped.
  • And besides, even if they don’t need out help, they can still better and quicker tackle the problem under our help.
  • Therefore, I don’t agree that we only should offer a helping hand when they ask for help.

【19】Do you agree or disagree that children who do sports at a young age will be more aggressive in the future?

  • While, I really to not agree that children will become more aggressive in the future just because they do sports at a young age.
  • This is because, doing sports is an excellent conduct for everyone to release their aggressive feeling or thinking in a proper way, as well as a legitimate way. It is not the way to spark up one’s aggressive feeling.
  • And besides, it is just the other way around, if one can unleash their dissatisfaction and some aggressive thoughts, he will stand a fair chance to tackle the quandaries in a more amiable and genial way.

【20】When your friend is about to take a visit to your house, do you prefer them to inform you before their coming, or do you prefer a surprise visit?

  • While, I do prefer they inform me before their coming.
  • This is because, as for me, I will stand a fair chance to better prepare myself, you know, I can just get dressed, get ready for snacks, and then clean the house if I have time, just before their coming.
  • And besides, as for them, informing me before visit can help them to check if I am home. Because sometimes I will not stay at home all day, so informing before coming can know whether I am home, and if I am not home, their can take a rain check and not need to squander the time in commute.
  • Therefore, I prefer to be informed before anyone comes my home.

TASK 1 - 9.07

【1】Some universities accept the students to choose a major field of study when they enter the school; while other universities wait until the second or the third year before students deciding to choose a major field of study.

Which do you prefer? Why or why not?

  • While, I think universities should wait until the second or the third year before students deciding to choose a major field.
  • This is because, the university students should be cultivated by a all-rounded way, if a student choose a major field as soon as he enter the university, he would probably directly dive into one direction and just ignore the others, it is not a very wise choice.
  • And beside, delay the time to decide the major allow students to find their own interest, like, they can sign up a variety field of class and cautiously choose the major afterwards.
  • Therefore, I would like to say universities should wait until the second or later.

【2】When your friend is about to take a visit to your house, do you prefer them to inform you before their coming, or do you prefer a surprise visit?

  • While, I do prefer they inform me before their coming.
  • This is because, as for me, I can better prepare myself, you know, I can just get dressed, get ready for snacks, and then clean the house if I have time, just before their coming.
  • And besides, as for them, informing me before visit can help them to check if I am home. Because sometimes I will not stay at home all day, so informing before coming can know whether I am home, and if I am not home, their can take a rain check.
  • Therefore, I prefer to be informed before anyone comes my home.

【3】If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive; the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper.

Which do you prefer? Explain why.

  • While, I would like to choose the apartment which is near the campus.
  • This is because, it can help me to save my time. You know, if I live far way from school, I will spend lot of time on the way to school. And, I if live near the school, I will have a lot of time to do whatever I want.
  • And besides, the time saved can be used to sleep well, which is conducive to better concentrate during the daytime, you know my brain is sharper and can understand what professor says quickly.
  • Therefore, I prefer to choose the apartment near to school.

【4】Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children.

Which one do you agree?

  • Personally, I agree that children born with talent should be treated in a different way.
  • Because they are the potential experts in various fields in the future, so they should be put together in a specific institute for special training, which will inspire their potential to the best, thus people can make fully use of it in the hope of making breakthroughs in some fields.
  • I remember that my younger cousin showed a talent in drawing when he was little, so his father, sent him to a school that focus on enhancing the ability of painting. Now he become a famous designer and has created some brilliant projects.

【5】Some people prefer to make friends with people who are of the same age. Other people prefer to make friends with people who are of different ages.

Which one do you prefer? Why?

  • While, I prefer to make friends with people who are of the same age.
  • This is because, we possibly have the same schedule and we will spend a lot of time together, you know, we are going to the same school, taking the almost the same curriculum, so we almost spend 8 hours a day. That will give us more time to communicate with each other, and get to better know each other.
  • And besides, we don’t have the generation gap, and we are more easier to understand each other and provide better and pragmatic advises.
  • Therefore, I prefer to make friends with people who are of the same age.

【6】We should help our friends only when they ask for help?

Do you agree or disagree with this statement

  • c

【7】With more and more people reading in electronic format, libraries will disappear.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  • While, I believe libraries will not disappear, even if more and more people reading in cell phones.
  • This is because, there are still many people are willing to read in paper materials, because paper material has an advantage that could not be replaced by electronic format which is that reading in paper material are more likely to be in progress of deep reading which is immersed in the book.
  • And besides, libraries also provide all the citizens a quite place to read, if I want to concentrate on my work better at weekend, I could choose to go to city library.
  • Therefore, I think the libraries will no disappear in the future.

【8】Your professor suddenly cancels the class for today. Would you prefer to go shopping with your friends or prepare for the exam?

  • While, I prefer to prepare for the exam.
  • Because, the daytime is the prime time in one day which my mind is sharp and can better concentrate on difficult tasks, and if my professor cancels the class, them I will have an entire morning or entire afternoon to study and prepare the exam because I really want to have the better grade.
  • And besides, as for shopping, it will be better to shop at night when I am tired and exhausted by the study, I can shift my mind to do something relaxed such as shopping.
  • Therefore, I prefer to prepare for the exam if professor cancels the class.

【9】It’s getting harder and harder to save money than before.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

While, I do believe that it is harder than before to save money.

This is because, nowadays, we are on a stage that there are so many place for us to spend many than before, you know, we have more electronic device to choose, and a lot of attraction to go, and none of them for free. And sometimes we spend money in a impulsive way.

And besides, because of the currency inflation, the price of the daily merchandise are going up.

So, it is getting harder to save money.

【10】Your community has received a large amount of donation, should it be used to construct a playground for children or build a garden for the community?

While, I prefer to build a garden for the community.

This is because, a garden can serve more citizens in the community. You know, the elders can use this place to relax and teenagers can hang out with each other in this garden.

And besides, the children can also use this garden to play as a playground. In the community I once lived, many parents will bring their children to the community garden to play. So, it is also a nice choice for children.

Therefore, I think building a garden for the community is better.

【11】Participating in team sports is a good way for young person to learn team cooperation.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  • While, I do believe that participating in team sports is a good way, and maybe the best way to learn team cooperation, especially for the young people.
  • This is because, teamwork in sports is so important that no one can just win without an excellent cooperation with teammates.
  • For example, members of a football team need to cooperate to successfully perform a play, whether it be a running play or a passing play. Without all involved in the play working together to make the play happen, the other team could wind up in an ultimate victory.

【12】Do you prefer to work from home or in the office?

  • While, I do prefer to work at home.
  • This is because, I can work in anytime I want. You know, I am a morning guy, so, when I get up early, like 6 o’clock or 7 o’clock, I can just get to work immediately. And in the early morning, my mind is really sharp and I can better concentrate on my tasks.
  • And besides, working at home really make me feel comfortable and relaxed. You know, I can dress whatever I want, and I don’t need to worry about being interrupt by others.
  • Therefore, I would like to work from home.

【13】It is a good idea to get a job under the influence of other people.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

While, I do believe that it is a good idea to get a job under the influence of others.

This is because, if we take the parents idea into consideration, they will give us some precious opinion, because they are more likely to have a deep view of the strengths and weaknesses pf a job.

And besides, the influence from friends also important because we don’t have generation gap, so their suggestions is pragmatic and suitable for me.

Therefore, I would like to say that getting a job under others’ influence is a good idea.

【14】Some kids like to play games outdoors, and some kids like to play inside their house.

Which did you prefer when you were a kid? Why?

While, I would like to play inside our house.

This is because, playing inside the house is more safe for everyone, we don’t need to worry about being stolen or robbed, and if somebody left something, it is more likely to get back. And there is little air pollution inside the house.

And besides, I like to play inside because it is more comfortable. You know, there is no need to be well-dressed and have to wear the jacket and tie. We could dressed informal and suit ourselves.

Therefore, I prefer to play inside.

【15】Some people believe old people should not take risks and participate in adventurous events as the young people.

Do you agree? Why?

While, I do believe that elders should not take risks and participate in adventurous.

This is because, they have to take the safely into consideration, maybe safety is the prime consider for them. Because, compare with the young man, doing the same adventure is more risky for the elders because of their physical status are more fragile and more likely to cause physical deterioration.

For example, my grandpa have a slight cardiac disease, although it is not a big deal, doctor suggest him not to do the strenuous exercises because life always comes first.

Therefore, I agree that elders should not take risk to be involved in adventures.

【16】Some people prefer sending messages; while others prefer making phone calls directly.

Which one do you prefer?

While, I prefer to make a phone call directly.

This is because, phone calls is more directly and efficient than sending messages. If you want to communicate with or get informations from someone, you could just call them and you will get the answer and whatever you what as soon as possible.

And besides, making phone call can reduce the loss of information and misunderstanding. Because, other can quickly find your misunderstanding and misstatement and correct you during the dialogue in a phone call.

Therefore, I prefer to choose the phone call.

【17】When you disagree with your friends or family on certain things, would you like to convince them or let them keep their own opinion?

  • While, when I disagree with my friends or family, I tend to let them keep their own opinion.
  • This is because, we are different person with different background, we could not totally agree with each other on everything. So, if we try hard to convince others, we may often slide into drastic argument or even fierce fight, and sometimes end up with nothing.
  • And as for me, I think distinctly express my opinion is important, but getting involved in an argument which meant to convince others are meaningless and just the waste of time.
  • Therefore, I would like to let them keep their own opinion.

【18】To teach old people to use the computer in the community, which do you think is better? To find a professional to teach them outside, or to find a student to teach them at home?

While, I think finding a students to teach elders at home is better.

This is because, it is more convenient for elders to be taught. You know, some of the elders are not capable of leaving home because of some specific health conditions. So, it is more possible for them to be taught at home.

And besides, it can save a lot of time for the old people, because they don’t have to spend a lot of time on the way to the class outside.

Therefore, I think finding a student to teach them at home is the best choice.

Do you agree? Why?

  • While, I do believe that we should not discuss about the celebrities’ private activities.
  • This is because, their private activities are none of my business, and their private activities are undoubtedly their privacy, and paying too much attention to their privacy will possibly cross the line and break the law.
  • And besides, staying out of their personal life can help me better focus on their works. You know, when I watch a movie I really want to do deep in to the character they play not be entangled by their anecdotes.
  • Therefore, I agree that we shouldn’t pay any attention to their private activities.

【20】Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams; while others think that students learn more effectively through doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects.

Which do you think is more effective for students to learn?

  • While, I do believe that students learn more effectively through doing other activities such as subject report.
  • This is because, these kind of report or papers will give us a chance to deeply understanding the field or subject in a thorough and well-rounded way. But taking exams will limit us to study some key point which gonna be tested and ignore the others.
  • And besides, completing a project will allow us to study under less pressure than the exams. And a relaxation and happiness will help us to enjoy the research which lead to high efficiency.
  • Therefore, I prefer to do other activities than exams.

Haojun(Vincent) Gao

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